B.N. UNIVERSITY, UDAIPUR B.Sc. II Semester Physics
- Electrostatics: Charge and its properties, Coulomb’s law, superposition principle, continuous distribution of charge, electric field due to point charge and due to different types of distribution of charge, field due to an infinitely long straight charged wire, electric potential due to an arbitrary distribution of charge, electric potential energy, electric dipole, a dipole in uniform and non-uniform electric field, electric quadrupole.
- Gauss’s Law: Electric flux, Gauss’s law and its applications, electrostatic energy of a uniformly charged sphere, classical radius of an electron, force on the surface of a charged spherical conductor.
- Electric field
around conductors: Poisson and Laplace equations in
different Cartesian coordinate system (without derivation), boundary
conditions, solution of Laplace equation in Cartesian coordinate system,
potential at a point inside rectangular body, electrical image method.
- Electric field in
matter: Coulomb’s law, capacitor, capacity of a
parallel plate capacitor in the presence and absence of dielectric, field of a
charge in dielectric medium (Gauss’s law).
- Magnetostatics: Magnetic field, laws for the direction of magnetic field, Biot
Savart law and its applications, magnetic dipole and current loop, magnetic
Lorentz force, force on a current carrying conductor, Ampere’s law and its
applications, torque on a current carrying loop in magnetic field.
- Electric current:
Current and current density, equation of
continuity, drift velocity, mobility, resistance, resistivity, conductance,
conductivity, electron theory of resistivity, thermoelectricity, growth and
decay of current in LR and RC circuit.
- Alternating current circuit: Representation of a.c. quantities by complex number system, impedance, quality factor, power factor, series and parallel a.c. circuit and their resonance, principle of a.c. bridges, Anderson’s bridge, de Sauty’s bridge, Owen’s bridge, self-inductance, mutual inductance, transformer.
- Moving coil ballistic galvanometer and its applications: Introduction, current and charge sensitivity, condition for a galvanometer to become a ballistic galvanometer, different equation of B.G. and its solution under the condition of critical damping, over damping and under damping, logarithmic decrement, applications of B.G. for the mutual inductance by Carey foster bridge method, magnetic field using search coil, low resistance by Kelvin’s double bridge method.
Recommended Book
- Electricity and Magnetism by Vimal Saraswat, Himanshu Publication, Delhi
- Electricity and Magnetism (Mechanics (Hindi Edition)- Kalra, Himanshu Publications, Delhi
1. To use a multimeter for measuring (a) Resistances, (b) AC and DC Voltages, (c) DC Current, and (d) Checking electrical fuses.
2. Determination of charge and current sensitivity using Ballistic Galvanometer.
3. Determination of high resistance by Leakage Method
4. To determine Self Inductance of a Coil by Rayleigh’s Method.
5. To compare capacitances using de’ Sauty’s bridge.
6. To determine an unknown capacitance by using de’ Sauty’s bridge.
7. Measurement of field strength B and its variation in a Solenoid.
8. To study the Characteristics of a Series RC Circuit.
9. To study a series LCR circuit and determine its (a) Resonant Frequency, (b) Quality Factor
10. To study a parallel LCR circuit and determine its (a) Anti-resonant frequency and (b) Quality factor Q
11. To determine a low resistance by Carey Foster’s bridge
12. To verify the Thevenin and Norton theorem
13. To verify the Superposition, and Maximum Power Transfer Theorem
14. To determine self-inductance of a Coil by Anderson’s bridge.
15. To determine impedance of L-R circuit and find phase relationship in current and voltage.
16. To determine low resistance by Kelvin’s double bridge.
17. Study of BH curve.
Any other experiment can be set as per the availability in the laboratory as per theory course.
and Reference Books:
1. Advanced Practical Physics for students by Flint and Worsnop, Asia Publishing House.
2. A text book of practical physics,
Indu Prakash and Ramakrishna, Kitab Mahal, New Delhi.
3. Engineering Practical Physics by
Panigrahi and Mallick, Cengage Learning India Pvt.
4. Advanced level Physics practical by Nelson and Ogborn, Heinemann Educational
5. Practical Physics-I by Saraswat,
Himanshu Publications.
6. Practical Physics-I (Hindi) by
Bhandari and Saraswat, Himanshu Publications.
- Energy: Introduction, Worldwide trend of fossil fuels, Global status of renewable energy, Renewable energy in rural sector. Introduction of conventional and non-conventional energy sources.
- Solar Radiation: Introduction, Solar radiation on earth surface. Structure of sun
- Solar thermal utilization: Introduction, Open and covered plate air heater, Active solar water heating system, Solar thermal power generation, Solar tower power plant, Solar cooker, Solar water filter, Solar drying, Classification of solar drying, Solar drying of mixed method of air cooling, Active solar drying system, Integral type active solar dryer.
- Solar photovoltaics: Introduction, Photo electric effect, Solar cell science, Photo voltaic effect, Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, Principle of solar cell, Solar cell characteristic, design of solar photovoltaic system, solar photovoltaic components.
- Wind energy: Wind resources, wind speed distribution, influence of surroundings and height, wind energy conversion, classification of wind turbines, power content of wind, drag and lift machine, aero generator.
- Biomass Gasifier: Gasification process, types of gasifiers, chemical composition of producer gas, gasifier 5operation, gasifier stove.
- Biogas: Introduction, biogas production stages, types of biogas plant, factor affecting biogas production, biogas application, maintenance of biogas plant, instructions for biogas plant.
- Biodiesel: Introduction, biodiesel production, biodiesel blend, advantage of biodiesel.
- Small hydro power station: Introduction, operation of hydroelectric power station, heat and flow, classification of water turbine, turbine efficiency, advantage of small hydroelectric power station.
- Tidal energy: Introduction, conversion of tidal energy into electrical energy, tidal electric generator, tidal turbine, advantage and disadvantage of tidal energy.
- Ocean thermal and wave energy: Introduction, OTEC principles, closed and open cycle system, hybrid system, application of OTEC, wave energy.
- Geothermal energy: Introduction, dry and flash steam power plant, binary cycle power plant, energy conversion with the decrease in water level of energy source, application of geothermal energy.
- Nuclear energy:
Introduction, atomic energy, nuclear fission, types of nuclear reactor,
advantage and disadvantage of nuclear energy.
Note: Theoretical Question will be asked from each unit, not derivation.
Recommended Book
1. Non-conventional energy sources by Rathore et. al, Himanshu Publications, Delhi.
2. Solar energy - Suhas P Sukhative Tata McGraw - Hill Publishing Company Ltd.
3. Non-conventional energy sources - G.D Rai - Khanna Publishers, New Delhi
4. Solar energy - M P Agarwal - S Chand and Co. Ltd.
5. Alternate energy resources (Hindi) by Kaushik and Panwar, Himanshu Publications, Delhi.
6. Navikarniy Urja Shrot by Rathore and Panwar, Himanshu Publications.
Study and design the wind mill.
Study and design the box type solar
Testing of solar cooker.
Study and design the solar
water heater.
Study of solar voltaic cell.
Study of biogas plant.
Study of Solar Radiation by
using Pyranometer.
Study of Solar Distillation or
Solar Still.
Study of solar water pumping.
10. Study of Forced circulation solar water heating system.
11. Study of Solar Street Lighting and Lanterns.
Any other experiment can be set as per the availability in the laboratory as per theory course.
and Reference Books:
conventional energy lab manual by Jharkhand Rai University: https://jru.edu.in/studentcorner/lab-manual/btech/ME/8th-sem/NonconventionalEnergySourcesLab.pdf.
2. Renewable energy system lab manual
by SRM Valliammai Engineering College: https://srmvalliammai.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/ee8712-renewable-energy-systems-lab-manual.pdf.
3. Practical manual on Renewable
energy and green technology College of Agriculture, Balaghat Jawahar Lal Nehru
Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur (M.P.): http://www.jnkvv.org/PDF/30042020142936304201343.pdf
4. Navikarniy Urja Shrot by Rathore and Panwar, Himanshu Publications.
Any other experiment can be set as per the availability in the laboratory as per theory course.
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