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हार्मोनल परिवर्तन के कारण कम उम्र में लड़कियों में हो रहा शारीरिक परिवर्तन

हार्मोनल परिवर्तन के कारण कम उम्र में लड़कियों में हो रहा शारीरिक परिवर्तन प्रदुषण और जंक फूड घटा रहा मुश्किल भरे दिन की उम्र लड़कियों में समय से पहले हार्मोनल चेंज के मामले बढ़ रहे हैं। शारीरिक बदलाव के लिए औसत उम्र 13 से 14 साल मानी जाती है, अब 8 से 11-12 साल में वजन बढ़ने जैसी समस्या आ रही है। कम उम्र में मुश्किल भरे दिनों का सामना करना पड़ रहा है। विशेषज्ञों की मानें तो समस्या प्रदुषण और जंक फूड के अत्यधिक सेवन से बढ़ रही है। शरीर में हार्मोनल परिवर्तन, किसी प्रकार की सिस्ट और ट्यूमर जैसे कारण सामने आ रहे हैं। इनके लिए मुख्य कारण निम्न हैं- लड़कियों में हार्मोनल परिवर्तन से पीरियड जल्दी आते हैं। आनुवंशिक समस्या इसके लिए जिम्मेदार हो सकती है। तनाव से भी हार्मोनल परिवर्तन होते हैं। आयरन तथा विटामिन-डी जैसे पोषण तत्वों की कमी भी हार्मोनल परिवर्तन के लिए जिम्मेदार हैं। प्रदुषण के सम्पर्क में रहने पर भी ये समस्या होती है। शरीर में कही भी सिस्ट या ट्यूमर होने पर भी ये सम्भव है। अगर 8 साल से 12 साल की उम्र के बीच किसी बालिका के शरीर में तेजी से परिवर्तन हो तो मुश्...

MLSU Second year Physics Syllabus


PAPER-I: 2161 Kinetic Theory, Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics


  • Ideal Gas: : Kinetic Model, Deduction of Boyle's law, Review of the kinetic model of an ideal gas, Interpretation of temperature, Brownian motion, Estimate of the Avogadro number, Equipartition of energy, specific heat of monoatomic gas, extension to di and triatomic gases, Behaviour at low temperatures, Adiabatic expansion of an ideal gas. Application to atmospheric physics (derivation of barometric equation)
  • Real Gas: Van der Waals model; equation of state, nature of Van der Waals forces, comparison with experimental P-V curves. The critical constants, gas and vapour. Joule-Thomson expansion of an Ideal gas and Van der Waals gas; Constancy of U + PV, Joule coefficients, Estimates of J-T cooling, adiabatic expansion of an ideal gas.
  • Liquification of gases: Joule Expansion, Joule-Thomson and adiabatic cooling, Boyle temperature and inversion temperature, principles of regenerative cooling and cascade cooling, Liquification of hydrogen and helium, meaning of efficiency.


  • Transport phenomena in gases: Molecular collisions, mean free path and collision cross-sections, Estimates of molecular diameter and mean free path, Experimental determination of mean free path. Transport of mass, momentum and energy and interrelationship, dependence on temperature and pressure.
  • Maxwellian distribution of speeds in gas: Derivation of distribution of speeds and velocities, experimental verification, distinction between mean, rms and the most probable speed values. Doppler broadening of spectral lines.


  • The laws of thermodynamics: The Zeroth law, Various indicator diagrams, work done by and on the system, First law of thermodynamics, internal energy as a state function. Carnot cycle and its efficiency, Carnot theorem and the second law of thermodynamics, Different versions of the second law, Reversible and irreversible changes. Practical cycles used in internal combustion engines. Entropy, principle of increase of entropy. Thermodynamic scale of temperature; its identity with the perfect gas scale. Impossibility of attaining absolute zero; third law of thermodynamics.
  • Thermodynamic relationships: Thermodynamic variables; extensive and intensive, Maxwell's general relationships; applications to J-T cooling and adiabatic cooling in a general system, Van der Waals gas, and the Clausius-Clapeyron heat equation.
  • Thermodynamic Potentials: Relation to the thermodynamic variables, Equilibrium of thermodynamic systems, Cooling due to adiabatic demagnetization.


  • Statistical basis of the thermodynamics: Probability and thermodynamic probability, principle of equal a priori probabilities, probability distribution and its narrowing with the increasing n, average properties, Accessible and inaccessible states, distribution of particles with a given total energy into a discrete set of energy states.
  • Phase space representation: The mu space; its division into sheets of energy, phase cells of arbitrary size, one-dimensional oscillator, free particles, the functions Φ(E) and Ω(E), definition of probability.
  • Black Body Radiation: Spectral distribution of BB radiation; pure temperature dependence, Stefan-Boltzmann law, Wien's displacement law, Rayleigh-Jeans law (no derivation) and the ultraviolet catastrophy, Pressure of radiation, Planck's hypothesis, mean energy of an oscillator and the Planck's law, complete fit with the experiment. Interpretation of specific heats of gases at low temperature.


  • The bridge of Statistical physics with thermodynamics: Thermal equilibrium between two subsystems, beta parameter and its identity with (kT)-1, probability and entropy, Boltzmann entropy relation, statistical interpretation of the second law of thermodynamics. Boltzmann canonical distribution law; rigorous form of equipartition of energy.
  • Transition to quantum statistics: 'h' as a natural constant and its implications, Setting phase-cell size as nature's constant (Planck's constant h); quantization of energy. Indistinguishibility of particles and its consequences. Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac conditions, applications to liquid helium, free electrons in a metal, and photons in blackbody chamber, Fermi level and Fermi energy.
  • Recent developments in Physics including discussion of Nobel prizes in Physics (no questions to be set in the theory examination).

Recommended Book

  • Kinetic theory, thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics by Vimal Saraswat, Himanshu Publication, Delhi
  • Kinetic theory, thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics (Hindi) by Kalra, Kakani, Bhandari and Saraswat, Himanshu Publications, Delhi
    To know about the lectures of Thermodynamics please visit on and for Statistical Mechanics

    PAPER-II: 2162 Optics


    • Fermat’s Principle: Principle of experiments path, the aplantic points of a sphere and other applications.
    • General theory of image formation: Cardinal points of an system; general relationship; thick lenses and lens combinations, telephoto lenses.
    • Aberration in images: Chromatic aberration ; achromatic combination of lenses in contact and separated lenses. Monochromatic aberrations and their reduction; spherical mirrors and schmidt corrector plates; oil immersion objective, meniscus lenses.
    • Optical instruments: Entrance and exit pupils, need for a multiple lens eye pieces. Common type eye pieces.


    • Interference of light: The principle of superposition; two slit interference, coherence requirement for the sources, localized fringes in this films, transition from fringes of equal thickness to those of equal inclination, Newton's rings, Michelson interferometer its uses for determination of wavelength, wavelength difference and standardization of meter. Intensity distribution in multiple beam interference, Febry-Perot interferometer and etalon. Lummer Gehrke plate, Lloyds mirror.


    • Diffraction of light:
    • Fresnel diffraction: Half period zones, circular aperture and obstacles; straight edge, explanation of rectilinear propagation, Zone plate with multi foci.
    • Fraunhofer diffraction: Diffraction at a slit, a circular aperture and a circular disc, resolution of images; Rayleigh criterion. Resolving power of a telescope and microscope, out line of phase contrast microscopy.
    • Diffraction grating: Diffraction at N parallel slits, plane diffraction grating, concave grating resolving power of grating and prisms.


    • Polarization of light:
    • Double refraction and optical rotations: Double refraction in uniaxial crystals, explanation in terms of electromagnetic theory, Malus Law, Phase retardation plates, rotation of plane of polarization, origin of optical rotation in liquids and in crystals. Babinet compensator, Polarimeters and their applications in measurement of specific rotation.
    • Dispersion and Scattering: Theory of dispersion of light, absorption band and anomalous dispersion theory of Rayleigh Scattering.


    • LASER:
    • Laser System: Purity of spectral line; Coherence length and coherence time, spatial coherence of a source; Einstein's A and B coefficients; Coherence of induced emissions, conditions for laser action, existence of a metastable state, population inversion by pumping and cavity. He-Ne and Ruby Laser
    • Application of lasers: Spatial coherence and directionality, estimates of Laser and non linear optics: Polarization P including higher order terms in E and generation of harmonics. Momentum mismatch and choice of right crystal and direction for compensation.
    • Recent developments in Physics including discussion of Nobel prizes in Physics (no questions to be set in the theory examination).

    Recommended Book

    • Optics by Vimal Saraswat, Himanshu Publication, Delhi
    • Optics (Hindi) by Kalra, Himanshu Publications, Delhi
      To know about the lectures of Optics please visit on

      PAPER-III: 2163 Electronics


      • Basic circuit analysis: Voltage and current sources, Open and Short Circuits, Kirchhoff's laws, Voltage and current divider rules, Mesh and node analysis, Principle of superposition, Thevenin's and Norton's theorem, Maximum Power transfer theorem.
      • Semiconductor diodes: p-n junction diodes, I-V characteristics, diode as a rectifier, half wave, full wave and bridge rectifiers, clippers and clampers, Zener, varactor diode and their applications, Opto-elctronic diodes: LED and Photodiodes.
      • Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT): Basic construction of pnp and npn transistors and their operation, Input and output characteristics of CB, CE and CC configurations, Biasing methods, active, saturation and cutoff regions, load line concepts, Graphical analysis of CE configuration and phase relationship.
      • Field effect transistors: Basic constructions of JFET and MOSFET, Drain characteristics of JFET, biasing of JFET, operating regions, pinch-off voltage.


      • Small signal amplifiers: General amplifier characteristics, Two port analysis of a transistor, definition of h-parameters, current gain, voltage gain and power gain of an amplifier, Input and output resistances, Analysis of CB, CE and CC amplifiers for current gain, voltage gain, input and output impedances using h-parameters, Decibel power, Classifications of amplifiers, class A, B, AB and C amplifiers (graphical treatment only), RC coupled transistor amplifier, Gain frequency response, and high frequency limitations. Transformer coupled amplifier.


      • Feed back amplifiers: Basics of negative feedback, Merits and demerits of negative feedback and its applications, Voltage series amplifier (Emitter follower) and Current series amplifier (CE amplifier with and without bypass capacitor).
      • Oscillators: Positive feedback, Barkhausen criterion, Phase shift oscillator, Colpitts' and Hartley oscillators, and Crystal oscillator.
      • Operational Amplifiers: Characteristics of operational amplifiers, circuit symbols, ideal and practical op-amp, Inverting and noninverting configurations, Applications of op-amp as an adder, subtractor, inverter, scale changer, phase shifter, differentiator and integrator.


      • Digital Electronics: Binary, Octal, decimal and hexadecimal numbers and their inter conversions, 1's and 2's compliments of binary numbers, addition and subtraction of binary numbers, OR, AND, NOT, NAND, NOR and XOR gates and their symbols and truth tables, Boolean algebra, De-Morgan's theorem, minterms and maxterms, sum of minterms and product of maxterms forms of Boolean functions, simplifications of Boolean function using Karnaugh's map (up to 4-variables).


      • Modulation: Basics of modulation, amplitude and frequency modulation, sidebands, Comparison between AM and FM, power of amplitude modulation and spectrum, AM and FM transmitters (Block diagram and principle of operation only).
      • Demodulation: Demodulation of AM and FM waves, linear envelope detector, Heterodyne and super-heterodyne receiver (Block diagram and principle of operation only).
      • Cathode Ray Oscilloscope: Cathode ray tube- theory and construction, Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (Block diagram and operation), Application of CRO, wave form display, frequency, phase and amplitude determination, Lissajous figures.

      Recommended Book

      • Fundamental of electronics by Vimal Saraswat, Himanshu Publication, Delhi
      • Fundamental Electronics (Hindi) by Bhandari and Saraswat, Himanshu Publications, Delhi
        To know about the lectures of Electronics please visit on
        For more detail visit university website


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