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चार महीने का बच्चा कैसे बना अरब़पति

चार महीने का बच्चा कैसे बना अरब़पति? जन्म के सिर्फ चार माह बाद यदि कोई बच्चा अरबपति बन जाए तो इसे उसकी किस्मत ही कहेंगे। भारत के एकाग्रह रोहन मूर्ति नाम के बच्चे की किस्मत कुछ इसी प्रकार चमकी है। देश की दूसरी सबसे बड़ी आइटी कम्पनी इंफोसिस के फाउंडर नारायण मूर्ति ने सोमवार अपने चार महीने के पोते एकाग्रह मूर्ति को 240 करोड़ रूपए के शेयरों की हिस्सेदारी का तोहफा देकर उसे शायद देश का सबसे कम उम्र का अरबपति बना दिया है। BSE की फाइलिंग के अनुसार इंफोसिस में अब एकाग्रह रोहन की 15 लाख शेयरों की हिस्सेदारी हो गई है। इसका मतलब अब एकाग्रह रोहन इंफोसिस का 0.04% का हिस्सेदार है। शेयरों के स्थानान्तरण के बाद नारायण मूर्ति के पास कम्पनी के कुल शेयरों का 0.36% हिस्सा बचा है। जिस समय नारायण मूर्ति द्वारा अपने पोते को शेयर देने की खबर बाई उस समय इंफोसिस के शेयरों में गिरावट देखने को मिल रही थी। एकाग्रह रोहन, नारायण मूर्ति तथा सुधा मूर्ति के बेट रोहन मूर्ति और उनकी पत्नि अर्पणा कृष्णन का बेटा है। आपको यह पता होगा कि नोरायण मूर्ति ने अपनी पत्नि सुधा मूर्ति से 10 हजार रूपए उधार लेकर 1981 में इंफोसिस क

BNU First year Physics Syllabus


PAPER-I Mechanics


  • Laws of motion and Frame of reference: Laws of motion, conservation of momentum and energy, Co-ordinate frames, inertial and non-inertial frame of reference, Galilean transformation and invariance, fictitious force, centrifugal force, transformation of coordinate, velocity, acceleration and displacement in a rotating frame of reference, uniformly rotating frame of reference, Coriolis force, effect of centrifugal and Coriolis force due to earth’s rotation, Foucault’s pendulum.
  • Gravitational Field and Potential: Newton’s universal law of gravitation, gravitational field intensity, gravitational potential due to spherical shell and solid sphere, gravitational potential energy, Laplace and Poisson’s equations, Gauss’s law, gravitational self energy of a uniform sphere.


  • Dynamics of System of Particles: Centre of mass, calculation of centre of mass of regular rigid bodies like circular disc, hemispherical body, right circular cone, triangular plate, motion of centre of mass, centre of mass frame, conservation of linear momentum, kinetic energy of a system of particles, elastic, inelastic and perfectly inelastic collisions, rocket propulsion, two body problem, reduced mass, application of reduced mass, binary stars.
  • Rotational Motion and Rigid Body dynamics: Angular momentum, torque, law of conservation of angular momentum and its applications, physical significance of conservation of angular momentum, angular momentum of system of particle in with respect to centre of mass frame, rigid body, the general motion of rigid body, equation of rotational motion, Newton’s law of rotation motion, comparison of linear and rotational motion, degrees of freedom.


  • Motion under a Central force field: Central force, equation of motion under central force field, orbital motion of particle under central force field, constants of the elliptical orbit, circular orbit and their stability, Kepler’s laws.
  • Molecular rotations and Gyroscopic motion: Molecular rotations, moment of inertia of diatomic and tri-atomic molecules, intrinsic spin, precession of a symmetric top, gyroscope and its applications.


  • Elasticity: Stress and strain, their types, Hooke’s law, stress-strain curve, elastic behavior of solid, types of elasticity, poisson’s ratio, work done in stretching a wire, theorems of stress and strain, relation between various elastic constant, limiting value of poisson’s ratio and its experimental determination.
  • Bending of Beam: Torsion of cylinder, bending of beam, cantilever, beam supported at its ends and loaded in the middle, applications of bending of beams.


  • Kinematics of moving fluid: Streamline and turbulent flow, Reynold’s number, equation of continuity, energy of a liquid, Euler’s equation of motion for fluidity, Bernoulli’s theorem and its applications.
  • Viscosity: Introduction, coefficient of viscosity, Poiseuille’s equation-limitations and correction, Poiseuille’s method for determination of coefficient of viscosity, Stoke’s law, measurement of viscosity by rotating cylinder method, variation of viscosity with temperature and pressure.

Recommended Book

  • Mechanics by Vimal Saraswat, Himanshu Publication, Delhi
  • Mechanics (Hindi Edition)- Kalra, Himanshu Publications, Delhi
    To know about the lectures of mechanics please visit on

    PAPER-II Electricity and Magnetism


    • Electrostatics: Charge and its properties, Coulomb’s law, superposition principle, continuous distribution of charge, electric field due to point charge and due to different types of distribution of charge, field due to an infinitely long straight charged wire, electric potential due to an arbitrary distribution of charge, electric potential energy, electric dipole, a dipole in uniform and non-uniform electric field, electric quadrupole.
    • Gauss’s Law: Electric flux, Gauss’s law and its applications, electrostatic energy of a uniformly charged sphere, classical radius of an electron, force on the surface of a charged spherical conductor.


    • Electric field around conductors: Poisson and Laplace equations in different Cartesian coordinate system (without derivation), boundary conditions, uniqueness theorem, solution of Laplace equation in Cartesian coordinate system, potential at a point inside rectangular body, electrical image method.
    • Electric field in matter: Coulomb’s law, atomic and molecular dipoles, polarization, atomic polarisability, capacitor, capacity of a parallel plate capacitor in the presence and absence of dielectric, field of a charge in dielectric medium (Gauss’s law), Clausius-Mossoti equation.


    • Magnetostatics: Magnetic field, laws for the direction of magnetic field, Biot Savart law and its applications, magnetic dipole and current loop, magnetic Lorentz force, force on a current carrying conductor, Ampere’s law and its applications, torque on a current carrying loop in magnetic field.
    • Electric current: Current and current density, equation of continuity, drift velocity, mobility, resistance, resistivity, conductance, conductivity, electron theory of resistivity, classification of material, ohmic and non-ohmic circuit, dark current, thermistor, thermoelectricity, growth and decay of current in LR and RC circuit, differentiating and integrating circuit.


    • Alternating current circuit: Representation of a.c. quantities by complex number system, impedance, quality factor, power factor, series and parallel a.c. circuit and their resonance, principle of a.c. bridges, Anderson’s bridge, de Sauty’s bridge, Owen’s bridge, self inductance, mutual inductance, Neumann’s formula, energy stored in magnetic field, coupled circuit, coefficient of coupling, transformer, skin effect.


    • Moving coil ballistic galvanometer and its applications: Introduction, current and charge sensitivity, condition for a galvanometer to become a ballistic galvanometer, different equation of B.G. and its solution under the condition of critical damping, over damping and under damping, logarithmic decrement, applications of B.G. for the mutual inductance by Carey foster bridge method, magnetic field using search coil, low resistance by Kelvin’s double bridge method, high resistance by leakage method.

    Recommended Book

    • Electricity and Magnetism by Vimal Saraswat, Himanshu Publication, Delhi
    • Electricity and Magnetism (Hindi Edition) by Kalra, Kakani, Bhandari and Saraswat, Himanshu Publications, Delhi
      To know about the lectures of Electricity and Magnetism please visit on

      PAPER-III Oscillation and Waves


      • Free oscillations of simple systems: Introduction and some important definitions, equilibrium and concept of potential well, motion of a particle in a parabolic potential well and its solution, dynamical quantities associated with S.H.M., energy of simple harmonic oscillator, free oscillations of physical systems, effective force constant of springs connected in parallel and in series, linear and transverse oscillations of a mass connected with two springs, oscillations of two masses connected by a spring, diatomic molecule and reduced mass.
      • Damped harmonic oscillations: Equation of damped harmonic oscillator and its solution under the condition of over damping, critical damping and under damping, energy, power dissipation, relaxation time, quality factor and examples of a damped harmonic oscillator.


      • Forced harmonic oscillations: Equation of forced harmonic oscillator and its solution, phase, amplitude, sharpness, velocity, energy, band width, and quality factor of forced harmonic oscillator, resonance and their examples.
      • Free oscillations of system with two degrees of freedom: Two coupled pendula, the general method of finding normal modes, energy exchange in coupled oscillations, transverse oscillations of a system of many coupled oscillators, longitudinal oscillations of many coupled oscillator, differential equation of a continuous system and normal modes.


      • Fourier theorem and its applications: Fourier theorem, exponential from of Fourier series, analysis of a rectangular wave, square wave, saw tooth wave, half wave rectifier and full wave rectifier using Fourier’s theorem, Fourier integral for odd and even function, complex form of Fourier integral, Fourier transform and its applications in top het and in Gaussian functions.
      • Wave equation and waves in continuous media: Type of wave motion, wave equation, plane progressive wave, classical wave equation, energy, energy density, energy flux and intensity of a plane progressive harmonic wave, example of one dimensional traveling wave, velocities of waves in a strings, in a solid bar and in fluids, pressure wave, Newtons’s formula, Laplace correction, effect of various factors on velocity of sound, general solution of wave equation, boundary conditions and normal modes, phase velocity and group velocity.


      • Superposition of waves: Principle of superposition and its limitations, coherent sources, interference of sound and its experimental determination, beats and amplitude modulation, combination tones.
      • Ultrasonic: Production, detection, and applications of ultrasonic waves.
      • Vibrations in bounded systems: Transverse vibration of stretched string and their modes, laws of vibrations of strings, longitudinal and transverse vibrations of bars, vibration of air columns, Galtons’ whistle, vibration of drum.


      • Reflection, refraction, and diffraction of sound: Reflection of sound and their laws, reflection of sound from different surfaces, practical application of reflection of sound, echo sounding, refraction of sound waves, silent zone, diffraction of sound, Fresnel’s half period zone, sound ranging, characteristic impedance of a string, reflection and transmission of wave energy and their intensities, acoustic impedance of a medium, sonar.
      • Applied acoustics: Transducers and their characteristics, recording and reproduction of sound, acoustics of buildings, reverberation, absorption and transmission of sound, factor affecting the architectural acoustics, Sabine’s formula, optimum reverberation, echelon effect.

      Recommended Book

      • Oscillation, Waves and Acoustics by Vimal Saraswat, Himanshu Publication, Delhi
      • Oscillation, Waves and Acoustics (Hindi Edition) by Kalra, Himanshu Publications, Delhi
        To know about the lectures of mechanics please visit on

        For more detail visit university website


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