हार्मोनल परिवर्तन के कारण कम उम्र में लड़कियों में हो रहा शारीरिक परिवर्तन प्रदुषण और जंक फूड घटा रहा मुश्किल भरे दिन की उम्र लड़कियों में समय से पहले हार्मोनल चेंज के मामले बढ़ रहे हैं। शारीरिक बदलाव के लिए औसत उम्र 13 से 14 साल मानी जाती है, अब 8 से 11-12 साल में वजन बढ़ने जैसी समस्या आ रही है। कम उम्र में मुश्किल भरे दिनों का सामना करना पड़ रहा है। विशेषज्ञों की मानें तो समस्या प्रदुषण और जंक फूड के अत्यधिक सेवन से बढ़ रही है। शरीर में हार्मोनल परिवर्तन, किसी प्रकार की सिस्ट और ट्यूमर जैसे कारण सामने आ रहे हैं। इनके लिए मुख्य कारण निम्न हैं- लड़कियों में हार्मोनल परिवर्तन से पीरियड जल्दी आते हैं। आनुवंशिक समस्या इसके लिए जिम्मेदार हो सकती है। तनाव से भी हार्मोनल परिवर्तन होते हैं। आयरन तथा विटामिन-डी जैसे पोषण तत्वों की कमी भी हार्मोनल परिवर्तन के लिए जिम्मेदार हैं। प्रदुषण के सम्पर्क में रहने पर भी ये समस्या होती है। शरीर में कही भी सिस्ट या ट्यूमर होने पर भी ये सम्भव है। अगर 8 साल से 12 साल की उम्र के बीच किसी बालिका के शरीर में तेजी से परिवर्तन हो तो मुश...
- It is found that any distributed transmission line of length λg/2 will resonate, if it is shorted or open at one end. This is the principle of resonators.
- A resonator is actually a device or a system that exhibits resonance or resonant behaviour. It means it naturally oscillates at some frequencies with greater amplitude than at other frequencies.
- The frequencies at which the device oscillate are known as resonant frequencies.
- The oscillations produced in a resonator can be either electromagnetic resonance or mechanical resonance.
- The resonators are used to generate either waves of specific frequencies or to select specific frequencies from a signal.
- The musical instruments use acoustic resonators and it produce sound waves of specific tones.
- The resonance is a phenomenon that consists of a given system, which is driven by another vibrating system or by external forces to oscillate with greater amplitude at some particular preferential frequencies.
- The resonance occurs, when a system is able to store and easily transfer energy between two or more different storage modes.
Cavity Resonator
- The cavity resonators are devices, which is closely related to waveguides and have the practical importance.
- If the waveguide is limited by closing the ends of a finite length of the tube in conducting surfaces then it is known as cavity resonator.
- The cavity resonators produced by placing end faces on finite length of cylindrical tube waveguides are known as cylindrical cavity resonators.
- There are two types of cylindrical cavity resonator, one is rectangular and another is circular. It depends on the cross section of the cavity resonator.
Cylindrical cavity resonator
- In cylindrical cavity resonator we assume that
- The end faces of cylindrical cavity resonators are plane, and perpendicular to the axis of cavity.
- The walls of cylindrical cavity resonators are perfectly conducting.
- The transverse cross sectional shape and size of it are uniform.
- The cavity of cylindrical cavity resonator is filled with loss-less non-conducting medium.
- In cylindrical cavity resonator, electromagnetic wave propagates along the axis of the cavity and they reflects back and forth by the plane end faces.
- Both waves i.e., incident wave and reflected wave of cavity resonators superpose, and form a system of standing waves.
- It is found that the certain standing wave field distribution can be set up in the cavity corresponds to different cavity modes.
- The possible mode of frequencies of cylindrical cavity resonators are known as resonant frequency of the cavity.
- It is also found that the cavity resonator show the properties like an electronic resonant circuit i.e.,
- They can store energy in oscillating electric and magnetic fields.
- They can dissipate a fraction of the stored energy in each cycle of oscillation.
Advantage of cavity resonator over LC circuits
- The fraction of the stored energy dissipated per cycle of cavity resonator is about 1/20 the fraction dissipated per cycle in L-C circuit.
- The resonant frequencies of cavity resonator ranges from few megacycles. This range is impossible in LC circuit.
To know more about this lecture please visit on https://youtu.be/VmtLNlu6aOs
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