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Showing posts from January, 2021

हार्मोनल परिवर्तन के कारण कम उम्र में लड़कियों में हो रहा शारीरिक परिवर्तन

हार्मोनल परिवर्तन के कारण कम उम्र में लड़कियों में हो रहा शारीरिक परिवर्तन प्रदुषण और जंक फूड घटा रहा मुश्किल भरे दिन की उम्र लड़कियों में समय से पहले हार्मोनल चेंज के मामले बढ़ रहे हैं। शारीरिक बदलाव के लिए औसत उम्र 13 से 14 साल मानी जाती है, अब 8 से 11-12 साल में वजन बढ़ने जैसी समस्या आ रही है। कम उम्र में मुश्किल भरे दिनों का सामना करना पड़ रहा है। विशेषज्ञों की मानें तो समस्या प्रदुषण और जंक फूड के अत्यधिक सेवन से बढ़ रही है। शरीर में हार्मोनल परिवर्तन, किसी प्रकार की सिस्ट और ट्यूमर जैसे कारण सामने आ रहे हैं। इनके लिए मुख्य कारण निम्न हैं- लड़कियों में हार्मोनल परिवर्तन से पीरियड जल्दी आते हैं। आनुवंशिक समस्या इसके लिए जिम्मेदार हो सकती है। तनाव से भी हार्मोनल परिवर्तन होते हैं। आयरन तथा विटामिन-डी जैसे पोषण तत्वों की कमी भी हार्मोनल परिवर्तन के लिए जिम्मेदार हैं। प्रदुषण के सम्पर्क में रहने पर भी ये समस्या होती है। शरीर में कही भी सिस्ट या ट्यूमर होने पर भी ये सम्भव है। अगर 8 साल से 12 साल की उम्र के बीच किसी बालिका के शरीर में तेजी से परिवर्तन हो तो मुश...

Verification of Malus law | Third Year Practical Physics

Verification of law of malus  Sample reading Determination of P Angle of incidence Photo electric current Photo electric current P (θ) (I max ) (I min ) (I max  - I min ) / (I max  + I min ) 0 219 360 10 272 67 20 278 72 30 256 28 40 271 30 50 330 21 60 337 44 Determination of 123 Position of Nicol prism (β) Observed value of current (µA) 0 243 10 194 20 176 30 164 40 219 50 232 60 220 70 146 80 122 90 190 100 125 110 243 120 202 130 220 140 265 150 226 160 226 170 216 180 274 190 268 200 252 210 260 220 250 230 236 240 206 250 162 260 124 270 105 280 98 290 110 300 250 310 187 320 264 330 250 340 273 350 224 360 225 Note: Above readings are only for reference, students should perform the practical in their laboratory and get their own readings. Students can also note voltage in place of current as an intensity. Object 4 Inverting and non-inverting Operational amplifier

Electric quadrupole | Electrostatics

Electric field The space around a charged particle in which another charge experience a force is known as electric field. Electric field due to a circular loop of charge This is a linear charge distribution in which the charge is distributed along the circumference of the ring or circular loop. If observation point lies on the centre of the loop, then the electric field internsity at this point i.e., at the centre of the loop will be zero. If observation point lies very far from the centre of the loop then the value of electric field will be same as the electric field due to a point charge. It means in this case the circular loop behaves as a point charge for the observation point. Electric field due to an infinitely long straight uniformly charged wire In this article the charge is distibuted along the length of the wire. The electric field at any point due to infinitely long straight wire varies inversely with distance from the wire. NOTE The present lecture is a biling...

Dipole in electric field | Electrostatics

Electric field The space around a charged particle in which another charge experience a force is known as electric field. Electric field due to a circular loop of charge This is a linear charge distribution in which the charge is distributed along the circumference of the ring or circular loop. If observation point lies on the centre of the loop, then the electric field internsity at this point i.e., at the centre of the loop will be zero. If observation point lies very far from the centre of the loop then the value of electric field will be same as the electric field due to a point charge. It means in this case the circular loop behaves as a point charge for the observation point. Electric field due to an infinitely long straight uniformly charged wire In this article the charge is distibuted along the length of the wire. The electric field at any point due to infinitely long straight wire varies inversely with distance from the wire. NOTE The present lecture is a biling...

Electric dipole | Electrostatics

Electric field The space around a charged particle in which another charge experience a force is known as electric field. Electric field due to a circular loop of charge This is a linear charge distribution in which the charge is distributed along the circumference of the ring or circular loop. If observation point lies on the centre of the loop, then the electric field internsity at this point i.e., at the centre of the loop will be zero. If observation point lies very far from the centre of the loop then the value of electric field will be same as the electric field due to a point charge. It means in this case the circular loop behaves as a point charge for the observation point. Electric field due to an infinitely long straight uniformly charged wire In this article the charge is distibuted along the length of the wire. The electric field at any point due to infinitely long straight wire varies inversely with distance from the wire. NOTE The present lecture is a biling...

Characteristics of pn junction diode | Second year practical physics

Study of characteristic curve of a pn junction diode Sample reading Table for forward characteristic The space around a charged particle in which another charge experience a force is known as electric field. Table for reverse characteristic Note These readings are only for reference. Students should perform the practical in laboratory and obtain their own readings.